
VR/MR to solve the urban commuting problem?


The latest Microsoft Hololens 2 unveil reminded me today of an idea I always wanted to discuss. The newest version of Microsoft’s new wearable device shows that we have taken yet another step closer towards a world where mobile devices and personal computers will be replaced by AR/VR/MR devices in at least a few use cases, if not in all. 

While it’s too early to say if mobile technology will become completely obsolete, wearables will take up increasingly more space as technology is evolving to integrate into our lives, literally and figuratively.

Workspaces & Commute

When it comes to Work, two significant problems usually come to mind. 

 The first is the workspace itself. Building an ample and quality workspace that attracts employees is a significant problem for most companies, especially for startups that look for a reasonable lease price. We know how companies like WeWork have created a model to solve this very problem. By allowing companies to rent out workplaces, they have allowed companies (or even individuals) to rent out workspaces and scale (or de-scale) with ease based on the requirement.

The second problem concerning Work is even more significant – urban commuting. We know startups like Shuttl, Zipgo are already trying to solve the urban commuting problem. While these companies are yet to see packed houses much like the state-run vehicles, they are steadily chipping away at the mountain-sized problem.

VR/MR Technology as a solution

This is where the new technologies come into the picture. A significant requirement of the modern-day companies is seamless teamwork. Imagine a scenario where employees can freely work from home while still not having to feel the inconvenience of missing out on team meetings or interactions, VR/MR can theoretically make this possible. 

Of course, most people might still prefer a workspace because not everyone is comfortable mixing their personal and professional spaces. Here’s where we can borrow a page from WeWork’s existing model to create a solution that addresses the urban commuting problem as well!

The article does not go into the details of how the technology itself should be implemented (that is for another day), but it covers how the solution should be implemented.

Workplaces near your home – Dedicated VR/MR Centers

In most cities, the areas are bifurcated to workplaces and residential areas. The average employee commutes to their workplace from a far away residential area. Taking a house near workplaces is possible, but these places are usually very expensive for obvious reasons. 

The need for commute will be eliminated by placing dedicated VR centers near popular residential areas where most people live. Workplaces will be automatically allotted to employees of the companies that are registered with the VR Center, and the company will be billed on a pay-per-use basis in monthly cycles. 

As a result, we will see lesser traffic congestion, employees will experience improved productivity and have an extra hour that can be better spent with their family or on a new hobby.

Concluding remarks

I believe that the discussed idea could be a potential solution in the near future, especially as companies like Microsoft, Facebook, HTC are pushing their products to implement practical B2B solutions. There is a chance something like this is already under work and I am unaware of it.

While I have discussed my idea in brief, I have not gone into the details of how the technology itself should be used and how a wearable product can be designed for this specific purpose. Perhaps, I will go into this in a subsequent article.

It will be a while before wearable technology becomes mainstream, but a good VR/MR product has the potential to solve a major issue for all of us. The logical extension to this solution is a world where we are location-agnostic for most professional activity except those that need a human touch. 

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