Product Management, Work

Retrospection – A Year of Product Management @ Grofers

Yesterday was my last day at Grofers, and marks the end of yet another chapter of my professional journey. An occasion like this warrants a retrospection, so here I am, with a throwback to my one year stint at one of India’s leading grocery e-commerce company.   There was never a dull moment in my (relatively)… Continue reading Retrospection – A Year of Product Management @ Grofers


Blockchain: Re-Imagining Transactions

Source: (A repost of my article on LinkedIn) I have been planning to write an article on blockchain for a while, mostly to express my own inquisitive (re)search on the emerging technology and it's uses. But then, after attending a talk by Sid Chakravarthy here at ISB, I learnt more in the course of the discussion.… Continue reading Blockchain: Re-Imagining Transactions


VR/MR to solve the urban commuting problem?

Source: The latest Microsoft Hololens 2 unveil reminded me today of an idea I always wanted to discuss. The newest version of Microsoft’s new wearable device shows that we have taken yet another step closer towards a world where mobile devices and personal computers will be replaced by AR/VR/MR devices in at least a few use cases,… Continue reading VR/MR to solve the urban commuting problem?

General Ramblings, Thought Posts

Reflections – An introductory blog post

So, my intent of writing here is not essentially to garner public attention or attain some kind of popularity, that would require me to produce knowledgeable content on a certain area or two - and we all know that needs a lot of effort. But at the same time, writing a private journal bores me.… Continue reading Reflections – An introductory blog post